When you join the Golf Mentor as a teaching professional you have a Dashboard that allows you to guide the student's experience. You should first invite your students to join. At that time, you can agree on their goals for the next six months or so. These goals include how many lessons they will have each month.
When your student accepts your invitation, they will appear in your Dashboard, with a brief summary of their progress. You can view the goals that you have agreed with them. You can also dig down and view their progress in much more detail.
Towards the end of each lesson you can make a summary video for the students. These videos are extremely valuable to the student, it allows them to recall the movements you have taught them.
If your student is making good progress, then you can send them a congratulatory message. If the student is not making progress, or you otherwise feel that it is time for them to come for a lesson, then you can send them a reminder that it is time for a lesson.
If you are already keeping track of your students using a spreadsheet or pen and paper, you will save time on that aspect of your work.
Qualified teaching professionals have a 90 day trial of the Golf Mentor.
You can monitor their progress, give them simple feedback and encourage them to come for a lesson when they need it.
You can post a video summary of your lesson to your students. This is a great way of improving the efficacy of your lesson.
The student can have a free online handicap that goes up to 99 over par, so it is useful even for beginners.
You can set the student goals, so ensuring they will be guided by a clear and achievable aim.
They can analyze their game to identify strengths and weaknesses.
Students join as student members of the Golf Mentor. Student members can view your videos, set their goals, make posts about their practice sessions and game, analyze their progress and other activities. They cannot see the posts made by other students nor can they see your dashboard.
As long as you are in your trial period or you upgrade to premium membership, your students can continue to use the Golf Mentor for free. If your trial lapses without upgrading to premium membership, your videos will be deleted.
Your students can use the Golf Mentor for free.
Once you have joined the Golf Mentor, you will see that we have provided an example student. If you wish, you can sign in as that example student and experience the Golf Mentor learning experience from their perspective.
The Golf Mentor app provides you with the tools to manage your customer relationship. You can enter sales leads and track their progress to paying customers, so increasing the number of your customers. As well, it can help you to gain a commitment from the student to undertake regular lessons and a method of tracking that commitment. More customers who regularly take lessons can considerably increase your income.
Qualified Teachers can try the Golf Mentor for FREE
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