How To Learn Golf Quickly

The Golf Mentor is the fun way to learn golf quickly. Much more than a set of videos, the Golf Mentor breaks up improving at golf into a series of small, easy-to-approach activities and provides the tools you need to guide and monitor your progress.

The Golf Mentor comes with a online golf handicap.

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Why You Improve Quicker with The Golf Mentor

How to improve at Golf


  • You can learn more quickly with less effort.

  • You can set goals, so ensuring your learning will be guided by a clear aim.

  • You can have a online handicap that goes up to 99 over par, so it is useful even if you are a beginner.

  • You can post practice sessions and games in order to capture key aspects of what you are learning.

  • You can take a set of scientifically designed challenges, that cover the full swing, approach shots, near the green, and putting.

  • You can analyze your game to identify strengths and weaknesses.